Welcome to Year 1
Below you will find links to information, homework, letters and our class gallery.
- Camelot Class Teachers: Lucy Hodge ([email protected]) and
Natalie Turnock ([email protected]) - Hamelin Class Teacher: Megan Shaw ([email protected])
- Support Staff: Roz Luton (HLTA) and Jackie Horswell (TA)
On Tuesdays, we have PE lessons. Children need to come into school dressed in their PE kit. When it is dry, we will go outside so please ensure your child has warm clothing (joggings bottoms and a jumper or fleece).
Forest School
On Wednesday afternoons, we have Forest School and outdoor learning sessions. These sessions take place on the school site, predominantly based in our Forest School area. Children will need coats and hats throughout the colder months. When it is wet, we provide waterproof outfits and wellington boots for all children. We encourage the children to change their footwear independently - please avoid sending your child to school in shoes with laces unless they are able to tie them.
Homework is set every Thursday to be completed by the following Wednesday. This includes weekly spellings and daily reading.
Reading books
Your child will change their reading books either every 3 days or every 5 days, depending on their RWInc level. They will bring home a 'Book Bag Book', a RWInc story book and a picture book to share at home. Further information about reading books can be found at the front of your child's reading diary.