Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Class Teacher: Mrs Rose Pearce
Email: [email protected]
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mr Ethan Barbour
Class Teacher: Mr Phil Nugent
Email: [email protected]
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sue Abramson
When are PE lessons?
PE is on Thursday afternoons. Please come to school in your PE kit.
What about spelling?
Spelling lists are handed out on Fridays, and tested on the following Friday. Spellings can also be seen here, and are updated weekly.
What are the expectations for reading?
We ask that children read with an adult for 20 minutes, three times a week, to be recorded in their reading diaries. Reading aloud to an adult is essential to checking children's understanding of what they are reading. We love to see children reading independently too - this can also be recorded, but the reading record must be signed by an adult.
Can I only record books from the school library in the reading record?
No! All reading is valuable. If you are reading books from home, from a public library or anywhere else, please write it in the reading record. A list of recommended texts for Year 5, most of which are available in the class libraries, is here.
Is there other homework?
We ask children to access Times Tables Rock Stars regularly, especially if they are not yet secure in all of their times tables (they can quickly test themselves here - aim for a score of 20 or above). If your child is inspired by their topic learning and wants to undertake a project of their own at home, we would love to see it! You can bring it in or email it to us.
What if I need to contact the teacher?
If you need a response on the same day, it's always best to contact the school office ([email protected] or 01752 567686), as the teaching team don't always have the opportunity to check their emails during the school the day. Otherwise, please email us directly using the email addresses above.
Introduction to Year 5
Dear Parents, Carers and children,
Welcome to our Year 5 webpage. Here you will find everything you and your parents need to know about your year group. Below, you will find links to homework, letters and announcements, PE and our class blog and gallery. We are delighted to welcome you back to school.
Our classrooms are named after some of the greatest fictional settings in children’s literature, in J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter, J.R Tolkien's The Hobbit and C.S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia respectively. We are a school that loves reading, and you can look forward to plenty of enjoyable reads this year linking to our I.P.C units. From Space to Ancient Greece to Ernest Shackleton’s voyage to Antarctica, we will be covering exciting units all through the year.
Please look at this page regularly, as we will update as often as possible.
Best Wishes
Phil Nugent and Rose Pearce