Week beginning 24/02/25
Spelling tests are on Friday mornings. We will send home completed and marked spelling tests along with the following week's spellings. In addition, the statutory spellings for each year group are listed in PDF form at the bottom of the page.
If your child is finding it hard to learn their spellings, we recommend a 'small bites' approach - rather than practising the whole list at once, choose a small number (2-4) words from the list, and focus on those for a day, then the next day practice different words. Our brains tend to absorb information better if it comes in small pieces rather than trying to memorise lots of information in one go.
You might notice certain words being repeated as revision spellings. This is usually because a significant number of pupils have misspelt the word, and we want to give them another opportunity to learn it.
Remember that for some words, like days of the week, the capital letter is essential to the spelling.
This week's spellings are below.
If you want to check which group your child is in, please contact their teacher.