PSHE: Jigsaw
My name is Maisie Shepherd and I lead the subject of PSHE across our school. In this role, I have an overview of the subject and ensure your child has a rich and exciting experience of PSHE.
Below you will find a lot of information about your child's journey through our school as they are taught PSHE.
If you have any questions about this subject, or have relevant expertise that you feel you could offer, then please do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected]
Kindest regards,
Maisie Shepherd
Maisie Shepherd
Here you will find my Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for PSHE.
Here you will find my PSHE Route Planner for 2023-2024, where you can find both the name of the PSHE unit being learnt and the term in which it will be taught.
Here you will find my Progression of Skills, Knowledge and key vocabulary (which we call star words). These link to each unit for every year group. It also includes ideas for questions for family learning, so topics can be discussed further at home.
Here you will find specific information relating to Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) through JIGSAW at SDPA. It includes what we teach in regard to RSE, when it is taught and how we approach LGBTQ topics.