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Our Learning

Spring 1 - Bake it!, Holocaust & Full Power

Termly homework and overview

Optional weekly homeworks

Bake it! is about properties and changing materials.

Here are resources about it BBC Bitesize - Changing Materials

Week 1 (6.1) - Entry Point

Have a go at a GBBO Technical challenge.

Week 2 (11.1) - Evaporation and Condensation

In a sandwich bag, fill a quarter of it with water. Tape this to a window which faces the sun. Make sure it is sealed by the tape. Observe condensation and evaporation in action.

Week 3 (18.1) - Reversible and Irreversible reactions

Get a chocolate bar and melt it. Can you get solid chocolate back? How will you do it?

Get some popcorn kernels and make popcorn? Can you get the kernel back? 

After, sit down and enjoy a movie with your popcorn and chocolate!

Full Power is all about electricity. Electricity can be dangerous so please make sure you ask for adult supervision before exploring anything electrical!

Here is some more information from BBC Bitesize - Electricity.

Week 1 (1.2) - What is powered by electricity?

Look around your house and make a list of everything that is powered by electricity in your house. 

Online, research how one of these appliances works. 

Week 2 (8.2) - Static electricity

Click here for some great experiments you can do with static electricity. Have a go at one and don't forget to email your teacher with some pictures. 

Half term (15.2)

Complete homework tasks set on Mathletics and Reading Eggs. 

Play on TT Rockstars!

Week 3 (22.2) - Safety

Research the dangers of electricity and create a poster about the dangers. Try to think about whether this is a poster about the dangers of electricity in school or at home. 

Week 4 (1.3) - World Book Day

Design a house for your world book day character. What appliances do you think they will need? 

If you really want to, get some scrap cardboard and paper and make the house!

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Stoke Damerel Primary Academy Collingwood Road Stoke Plymouth Devon PL1 5PA

T: 01752 567686